FHH | A talk with @giuliakai

A talk with @giuliakai. A talk with @giuliakai. A talk with @giuliakai. A talk with @giuliakai. A talk with @giuliakai

A talk with @giuliakai. A talk with @giuliakai. A talk with @giuliakai. A talk with @giuliakai

11 December 2024

A talk with @giuliakai

A talk with

by @watches_and_culture

A TALK WITH @giuliakai
Watch enthusiast and collaborator at vintage watch store @graficaoro, based in Rome.
Main interest and background in fashion but decided to join the watch world almost a year ago.
Loves finding her aesthetic and vision in objects and worlds of different natures.

1__ Research


I like to look for things, whether they are watches, vintage clothes, or anything else. I go on and off the internet, and I just dig. Overall, I find the research exciting: I know exactly what I’m looking for, but I’m still down to be surprised by other objects along the way.
Researching my very first watch is also what got me passionate about this world, that’s how it all started somehow.

2__ Vision

My personal filter to the world as it shapes the way I see it. We all see the same things in different ways, and I think it’s essential to feed our vision with as much culture and as many new experiences as we can.

3__ Insticts


In my opinion, the basis of a good life and a healthy approach to business. They don’t follow trends, status, or people, and I think that makes them the purest, non-biased path you can follow.

4__ Time and Place

Almost a year ago, I walked into a vintage watch store on my birthday and ended up getting a new job, meeting new people I now consider a second family, and finding a way to learn and grow my passion. Precious gifts.

5__ Taste


I know what I like, but I know even better what I don’t like. I feel that’s the key to developing your personal style and taste without being influenced by temporary trends or what people say.