Cultural Council 2024. Cultural Council 2024. Cultural Council 2024. Cultural Council 2024. Cultural Council 2024

Cultural Council 2024. Cultural Council 2024. Cultural Council 2024. Cultural Council 2024

08 October 2024

Cultural Council 2024


The Cultural Council of the FHH - Fondation Haute Horlogerie participated in the Homo Faber exhibition in Venice, organized by the Michelangelo Foundation.

Since its inception, this independent Think Tank has explored what truly gives a watch its value: the diversity of craftsmanship, the intelligence behind each creation, and the human touch that brings it all to life.

Composed of renowned personalities, it brings its expertise and enhances the Foundation’s activities while reflecting the diversity and representativity of the industry.

At Homo Faber, we took the time to reflect on the transmission of these unique skills. By promoting these crafts, we ensure the preservation of this heritage.